
“People find themselves in unexpected situations and they don’t know what to do. They need tools.

There aren’t a lot of answers out there. So people also need to know what’s possible, that they have options, even at the end of their life.”  -Cathy Hope

The Art of Dying Well
By Cathy Hope, Life Transitions Coach April 29, 2021
“Whether or not enlightenment is possible at the moment of death, the practices that prepare one for this possibility also bring one closer to the bone of life." —Joan Halifax, Upaya Zen Center, Being With Dying (book and training program)
Naming Your Grief
By Cathy Hope, Life Transitions Coach April 29, 2021
“You’ve named my grief. I never really recognized my grief until you talked about it in that way.” —Kenneth Doka, Disenfranchised Grief: Recognizing Hidden Sorrow
Two Go-To  Grief Books
By Cathy Hope, Life Transitions Coach April 29, 2021
Whatever you have lost, the only right way to grieve is your way. —Cathy Hope

“I felt relief when Cathy said crying is not an emergency event. I also felt relief when she gave a name to what I was experiencing, anticipatory grief.”  —Life Transitions Coaching client

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